December 13, 2023

Life has seriously been a blur ever since we got the keys to our new building! It has been a LONG few months of planning, buying supplies, building out the new space, planning even more and just generally hustling to bring everything together. I’ve had so many great folks on deck willing to help, from my in-laws to my husband and siblings to some incredible local contractors. I’ll be honest, it’s been exhausting for us all, especially while still grooming from my shop at home and doing our best to keep serving our amazing clients while we transition. But the long days and late nights are about to pay off as we are almost ready to open our new shop! I have big dreams for our little grooming business and I can’t help but feel that this space is truly a huge step in helping those dreams take off.

I’m also already so in love with being in Old Fort. We’ve been getting to know the other local business owners and have had a blast participating in the town’s Halloween and Christmas festivities. We had the privilege of being judges in the Old Fort Pet Costume Contest at Halloween and got to give away some freebies and gift certificates while soft-launching our new location. Everyone was so welcoming and excited, so now I’m so hyped for the next holiday season when we are settled! I couldn’t ask for a better experience so far. I’m also super thankful that my nerves have been put at ease because being a new business in an actual public location instead of my home is obviously a stretch from the comfort-zone. But everything is coming along nicely and I am over the moon excited and in disbelief that it’s finally happening for us! I’m looking forward to welcoming our clients old and new in our new shop VERY soon!

-Tori Dowdy

Putting In Work…..

October 20, 2023

When I first opened my pet grooming business in 2021 I really didn’t know what to expect and I certainly didn’t know what I was doing. I just knew that I had a passion for dogs (and animals in general) and I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and make my dreams of working with them every day come true. I had been grooming my hoard of dogs and my family members’ dogs regularly for awhile at that point and everyone was telling me I should do something with my skills. And truly, I loved doing it. I was self-taught but decided to get an actual pet grooming certification, so I did my homework and worked toward becoming a professional. I wanted my own shop but had limited resources so I envisioned it in the sunroom of my house since I barely used it for anything except laundry. My husband helped me install a single wash tub and I gathered some kennels and cages, a couple of grooming tables, the tools I would need, etc. and set off to work on the dream. I truly wasn’t sure if anything would come of my little business at all and it was the scariest thing I had ever done, quitting my day job and putting all my heart and time into Purrfectly Pampered. It was truly a labor of love and now, almost three years in, it has truly exceeded my wildest dreams.

A couple of months ago I had the sudden opportunity to lease a larger space, an actual building! I didn’t have much time to think about it since it fell in my lap but I went to look at the space and decided to just go for it, the same way I did when I opened up my tiny in-home shop. I mean, we’re only alive once! I’ve been thinking about expanding for awhile thanks to the amazing client base I’ve been fortunate enought to build up. At first I was thinking of just buying a bigger work shed to put in my yard, but seeing what is VERY soon to be the new location for Purrfectly Pampered Pet Spa lit up my dreams all over again and I instantly began imagining the kind of business I could build in it. Signing the lease and making plans was almost a blur, but now I’m in the new building throwing up walls (well, my husband is mostly doing that) and a reception desk and getting ready to turn this place into the pet spa of my (and hopefully YOUR) dreams! I honestly can barely believe this is happening but I am SO excited to grow as a business and be able to better serve the wonderful clients I already have as well as new ones. I hope you follow us on this journey and I hope to see you walking through the doors of Purrfectly Pampered Pet Spa soon!

-Tori Dowdy

A New Beginning…..